The up-to-date-install instructions are found at:
In order to compile kb2kskype you will need:
A recent 2.6 kernel with snd-usb-audio compiled in.
libusb (libusb-devel on fedora)
alsa (alsa-lib-devel on fedora)
kdelibs (kdelibs-devel on fedora)(kdelibs-4 on kubuntu)
qtlibs (qt-devel on fedora)(libqt3-mt-dev and lib-qt3-headers on kubuntu)
libjpeg (libjpeg-devel-6b on fedora)(libjpeg62-dev on kubuntu)
Also recommended are:
amixer (this is in the alsa-utils package on fedora)
usbview for debugging only
Make a directory somewhere suitable (like mkdir /usr/local/src/build/)
Download the sources of both usbb2k_api and kb2kskype from the project website download area (be sure to get the latest versions).
Unzip the tarballs with tar -jxvf tarball-name
and continue with the compilation instructions
If you installed all of the above you should be able to go to each directory and simply issue the following commands (as root)
It might be a good idea to do the test suggested in the usbb2k_api part.
The programs can now be installed by issuing the following as root:
make install
After installing, check to be sure that the binaries of usbb2k_api and kb2kskype have been copied into the execution path of your system. If they cannot be found, you may need to copy them to a suitable location, such as /usr/local/bin, by hand.